Anyone and everyone can join, move, and make a difference: people with ALS, their loved ones, and anyone else who believes in this important cause! And running is not a requirement; all exercise is welcome: walking, hiking, skating, swimming – in a wheelchair, a boat, bicycle, or however you choose to move! You can take part alone, or put together a team; not only in Dresden, but anywhere in the world! The kilometres you and/or your team cover can be sponsored by external parties, too!
Every donation helps, and brings us closer to our goal. From September 17th 2021 onwards, you can check our website for updates on how many people have joined in, and how far we have come to our donation target.
Get moving – alone or in a team – and then tell us about it!
Advanced registration is not needed for our charity event, rather, you can register your participation afterwards using the participation form below for individuals or teams, where you can record the number of kilometres you have covered on land or in the water. Please remember to keep track of the distances you cover! You don’t want to move only once, but to accumulate kilometers over the month? We are even more pleased about that! Either register each distance covered individually or report your total collected kilometers at the end.
If you already feel the urge to get moving, make sure to take note of our conditions of participation before you start.
You can participate anywhere in the world, but if you are moving in Dresden, we have four suggested routes for you.
We encourage you to take photos of yourself or your team for our picture gallery – after all, it is your participation that will contribute to our goal of improved care! If you like, feel free to display your certificate in the photos.
As we are not allowed to advertise, we ask you to make sure that no company names etc are visible in your photos.
You can also publish your photos on social media channels, which will bring more attention and awareness to our fundraising run. Please tag your posts with #ALSbewegtuns.
The amount you donate is totally up to you – and/or your sponsors. As a suggested amount, you could start with 3 € per kilometre run, or 1 € per kilometre on the bike. Every donation helps.
If you cannot participate in the run, but still want to support our cause, you are very welcome to donate here.
Thank you for making a difference!
Here you can donate for our goal, even if you don´t participate in the charity run.
Suggested routes for everybody who wants to move around in Dresden